Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Kappa Kappa Gamma’s 69th Biennial Convention

Being "touched by the fleur-de-lis" may sound a little cheesy and cliché, but it really is the only way to describe what went down this summer at Kappa Kappa Gamma’s 69th Biennial Convention in Jacksonville, FL. Upon arrival, the three (soon to be four) actives who made the drive were struck by the sheer number of women, about 1,000 in total, all there to experience the ultimate Kappa event. Of course, there were business meetings and educational seminars which were the cake part of a lovely Kappa cupcake.

Wonderful Kappa cupcake
All four of us learned so much that we hope to bring back to the chapter, and we made some great friends. Shout-out to Lexie Furphy and the Kappas at UC-Santa Cruz! We were also able to catch up with Leadership Consultant Gracie, as well as make a new friend, Fraternity President Julie Leshay!

Epsilon Gamma actives with Fraternity President Julie Leshay
The time spent at the Hyatt Regency was jam-packed. Mornings were early and nights were late, but every moment was filled with all manner of Kappa shenanigans. From the wonderful museum exhibit honoring Kappa’s past to the Kappa Marketplace and Blue Owl Boutique where all of us bought enough Kappa swag to last us at least a few months until we start cranking out t-shirts again, Convention offered us all an opportunity to expand our Kappa network and strengthen our passion for the incredible tradition that we hold so dear.
Epsilon Gamma actives posing with our 6 founders.

Epsilon Gamma was fortunate to receive the House Board Award for a housed chapter, as well as an Honorable Mention for the Recruitment Award on campuses with 10-14 Panhellenic chapters. As if these awards were not enough, two members of our House Board and one member of our Advisory Board were also in attendance in order to further educate the wonderful alumnae who support our chapter.

 Thanks to all seven women who represented Epsilon Gamma as well as the other EG alumnae we met throughout the week with their wonderful stories and memories!

Nu East Province representatives from Delta Beta (Duke University), Zeta Psi (Wake Forest), and Epsilon Gamma (UNC)