Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Q for the Cause raises over $700 for Relay for Life!

On March 23, Εpsilon Gamma co-hosted the first ever Q for the Cause with Kappa Alpha Order on the Olde Campus Upper Quad.

Q for the Cause was a barbecue dinner benefiting UNC Relay for Life, featuring live entertainment from Eric and the Dimarzios, as well as campus a cappella acts, The Walk-ons and The Achordants.
After months of planning, the sisters saw their hard work pay off. The philanthropy committee coordinated location reservation, catering, entertainment, waste disposal, tables and chairs, and volunteers.

The dinner was coincidentally the same day as UNC's cultural celebration, Holi Moli, so a good percentage of the barbecue diners were covered in paint, adding extra color to the event. Everyone enjoyed the beautiful weather and delicious food, with all proceeds going to Relay for Life, a cause dear to many of the sisters. Q for the Cause is definitely going to be an annual event, so you won’t want to miss it next year!

If you’re interested in learning more about what Kappa is doing in the community, contact Renee Montpetit at unckkgphilanthropy@gmail.com.